Dander Remover
Are you allergic
to your pet?
Allerpet Removes Animal Dander

Allerpet Dander
Are you allergic
to your pet?
Allerpet Removes Animal Dander

Cleanses the fur of dander and other allergens
Completely safe to use on your pet
Gentle and Fragrance-Free Formula
Easy to apply just damp-wipe. Not a shampoo
1000’s of happy customers
Cleanses the fur of dander and other allergens
Completely safe to use on your pet
Gentle and Fragrance-Free Formula
Easy to apply just damp-wipe. Not a shampoo
1000’s of happy customers
Allerpet Products
have been
recommended by
Allergists & Veterinarians
for almost 35 years!

Learn More About Our Dander Removal Solutions
Simple to use: just apply Allerpet to a cloth and wipe your pet to remove dander, reducing the amount you breathe in.
Allerpet Cat Dander Remover is a liquid damp-wipe product formulated for people who are allergic to cats. It lets you live more comfortably with your cat. Cats generally cause more allergy problems than any other animal because of their major allergen, Fel d1.
Allerpet Dog Dander Remover is a liquid damp-wipe product formulated for dogs and for those persons who are allergic to them. It lets them become a part of your family in spite of someone’s allergy. If you have a pet-related allergy, using Allerpet Dog Dander Remover should help.
Allerpet Pet Dander Remover is a liquid damp-wipe product for use on all cats, dogs, birds, as well as, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, ferrets and all other rodents. Recommended by veterinarians for all pet allergies. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

Allerpet is Easy To Use
Simply moisten a cloth with Allerpet and rub back and forth gently on the fur.
For more detailed information about how Allerpet works as well as handy tips and FAQs, check out our other videos, visit our online Education Center pages, or download the Allerpet Brochure.
As Seen on TikTok!
Disclaimer: The views, opinions, claims, and language expressed on TikTok are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views, claims, or positions of Allerpet.
Do you have dust mite allergies?
Take a look at one of our other products, DeMite.

Where to Buy Allerpet Products
We have suppliers all over the world, including USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, UK, Australia, Chile, S. Korea, Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan. These suppliers have a record of reliability, price competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
You can view our full list of suppliers on our Where to Buy page. If you are looking for a supplier that is not listed, please contact us via email or use the form below and we will get back to you with that information.
If you are interested in becoming a supplier of our Allerpet Products please contact us for information using the form listed on our Where to Buy page.